Lengthy Hiring Timelines Keeps Quality Candidates Away

Lengthy Hiring Timelines Keeps Quality Candidates Away

One of the most essential steps in the hiring process is the interview. It allows both the company and the candidate to connect and evaluate each other.

While the interview process is critical, it must be quick and efficient. In today’s competitive tech market, qualified tech talent receives many job offers within the first two weeks of their job search.

One of hiring managers’ most significant decisions is determining the length of the interview process. Some companies hire candidates after one interview, while others may conduct eight or more interviews!

How many interviews should it take to hire?

To cut down on time to hire, Google devised the “Rule of Four.” Through extensive research, they found that four interviews were enough to determine if someone should be hired.

Based on this data, try to reduce the number of interviews per candidate to no more than four. Stack those interviews within a short 2–3 week timeframe to help you keep quality candidates engaged and interested.

How can you speed up the interview process?

  • Write clear, descriptive, and encouraging job descriptions to attract candidates.
  • Use passive sourcing in established networks.
  • Use automation to speed up the interview set-up process.
  • Use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).
  • Hire a recruiting agency, such as Arcanium.

Arcanium’s Recruiting as a Service (RaaS) Will Save You Time

A recruiting agency like Arcanium has the resources and knowledge to accelerate your hiring process.

To help companies grow fast and lean, Aracnium has introduced a new recruiting model: Recruiting as a Service (RaaS). RaaS is a simple, scalable monthly subscription service for recruiting that saves you time. RaaS delivers qualified, pre-screened tech applicants directly to you through sourcing and interviewing.

Arcanium’s Recruiting as a Service (RaaS) takes care of every recruiting stage from start to hire through 5 streamlined stages:

  1. Discovery, Strategy & Alignment
  2. Customized, Ideal Candidate Sourcing
  3. Screening and Technical Interviews
  4. Candidate Presentation & Communication
  5. Hire Your Next Team Member

Arcanium’s RaaS features a Quick and Engaging Interview Process

During the initial screening interview, the candidate is given an overview of the role and company. Our recruiter will determine communication skills, competency, and interest. They will also look for any red flags in the candidate’s performance history. In this interview, our recruiter will focus on the candidates’ alignment with company culture and core values.

The second interview is a technical screening. The technical screening serves to assess the candidates’ skills and experience. Many companies use a technical testing platform or hire a technical recruiter to perform technical testing. At Arcanium, a specialized technical professional or an Engineer conducts a technical screening. They pose questions that show the candidate’s in-depth understanding of the technical work required.

Following this two-step interview process, Aracnium’s Recruiting as a Service (RaaS) saves your company valuable time. We source established networks and screen and interview candidates on your behalf. To ensure the top talent you want remains engaged, we communicate with each candidate throughout our process. Lastly, we deliver these highly qualified applicants directly to you.

To learn more about Recruitment as a Service (RaaS), visit Arcanium’s website or email brandon@arcanium.io.

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